
Here come the bots—and there go the jobs?

Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot is a science fiction classic—a novel that explores the tension between humanity and technology. Since its publication in 1950, the book has been adapted into numerous films and movies (most notably the 2004 film starring Will Smith). Despite their early strife and mutual mistrust, in the end, humans and robots learn to coexist, each doing their part to support a stable ecosystem. Asimov’s work has proved somewhat prescient in many ways, although today’s “robots” have not

Unlocking the real meaning of ROI for UX research

The more you read, the more obvious your gaps in knowledge become. You feel an uneasy awareness of how inhibitive your lack of deep study will prove to be. You’ll likely be able to navigate the basics and possibly even forge some meaningful connections. But your lack of fluency will bar you from a depth of experiences that are only possible with a deeper understanding of and appreciation for cultural and linguistic nuances. Experts say the best way to learn a language is via immersion, surroundi

The Gen Z store prioritizes technology for a modern experience

A new study finds that young shoppers are leading the push away from the traditionally sought-after qualities of convenient location, clean and comfortable stores, and friendly employees.


Purpose of this Study

Gen Z is the first generation to have never known a life without immediate access to the internet. This plugged-in demographic has increasingly become top of mind for many brands as it represents a growing pool of independent consumers who, for the first time, are making the

Questions to Ask When Considering New Technology

Every day as a restaurant owner/operator brings a new challenge. Customer appetites, holiday trends, best practices — all of these and more morph over time. The trick to making the most of the dynamic nature of business is to stay current and adaptable. Technology can help significantly in this regard, but it’s important to know what you’re looking for and why. Here are four questions to ask when considering new technology to support your restaurant’s daily operations.

1. Is it easy to use/se

Leasing nirvana: Automating the leasing process

Steve Jobs is known to have insisted that “technology alone is not enough.” Jobs believed that, on its own, technology is neutral. For it to be used to its fullest potential, it must exist within the context of people and relationships.

So central was this belief to Jobs’ vision that he based not only his software inventions on it but also physical workspace configurations: the Pixar building boasts an enormous atrium meant to encourage people to mingle, encouraging sparks of inspiration in cha

AP/AR automation: securing cashflow, enriching partnerships

Look at any map, and you’ll see dense populations near water sources. Since the time we learned to settle lands, we became dependent on agriculture. Originally (and even now in some places), water was manually carried back to the home and farmland. To save time and effort, communities were able to build irrigation systems, automating watering of their crops.

To succeed today, organizations must search for opportunities to innovate, automate and stimulate business. As with farming and irrigation

Energy Efficiency And Sustainability: The Future Of Real Estate

Dave Marcinkowski is a Founder/Partner in Madera Residential and Quext, focused on creating smarter, healthier apartment communities.

The late American writer and businessman Alvin Toffler, widely known for his prescient insights regarding the digital revolution and its impacts worldwide, once said, "Our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape it . . . [to] channel our destiny in humane directions and to ease the trauma of transition."

The concept of shaping the future for

The Power of Self-Managed Content

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of watching a karate or judo sensei in practice, you’ve probably been floored by the incredible strength that radiates from their cool, controlled movements. The effortless presentation is the result of the sensei’s dedication to endlessly fine-tuning the myriad internal systems – body, brain, mind – that compose the whole (and getting those systems to communicate with each other instantaneously and constantly). The sensei knows where his or her energetic resource

The Best Is Yet To Come: Transforming Multifamily Properties For An Aging Population

Dave Marcinkowski is a Founder/Partner in Madera Residential and Quext, focused on creating smarter, healthier apartment communities.

“Let me grow lovely, growing old,” wrote the American poet Karle Wilson Baker, who died in 1960. Baker was gently challenging the notion that aging is something to be fought and suggested instead that it is a natural process that deepens our appreciation for life.

Since Baker’s time, the later stage of life has lengthened, thanks to advancements in medicine and

Special Interest

Beyond Tolerance: Union Protections for LGBTQ Workers and Their Rights

“l don’t want you to celebrate my diversity; I want you to recognize my rights in the workplace. Good fences make good neighbors, and good collective bargaining agreements make good workplaces.” That was longtime AFGE activist Carolyn Federoff at the bargaining table in 2013 passionately defending the protections workers fought for in the late 1980s. Her words expressed the fundamental truth that a worker is a worker, and a union’s job is to protect them all – regardless of lifestyle, beliefs, o

How Labor Unions Are Prioritizing Member Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic World

When Ros Reggans heard her employer, a nursing home chain based in the Chicago area, had been granted more than $12 million in COVID-19 relief funds under the 2020 CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), she felt a wave of relief. Conditions for Reggans—a certified nursing assistant—and her staff had been abysmal as the coronavirus tore through the nursing home. She assumed her employer would be using the funds toward providing personal protective equipment (PPE), coverin

Positive-Sum Growth: The Real-World Application Of Win-Win Relationships

Steve Smith is the U.S. COO at Esker.

It's so fundamental a truth that it's easy to forget: the law of reciprocity supports every element of life. From how the ocean's saltwater evaporates into the atmosphere, returning to the earth's rainfall, to how friends take turns covering the bill when going out for lunch, reciprocity is a basic currency of nature. But despite its seeming simplicity, reciprocity is often more complex than "you scratch my back, I scratch yours."

True reciprocity in perso

The Role of Labor Unions in Advocating for Affordable and Accessible Childcare Services

Let’s face it: There are many great things about America, but it falls woefully behind other countries in promoting work-life balance. Take, for example, our fractured approach to childcare, which has left hundreds of thousands of families in a state of crisis. According to a 2022 Pew Research Center survey, nearly half of workers surveyed reported issues related to childcare played a role in them leaving their jobs.

The current childcare infrastructure impedes working parents from securing hig

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